
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fox Sports North Member of the Month

Congratulations to Martinez for being chosen as our Fox Sports North Member of the Month. Bella is very involved in several activities here at club including Camp Camera, UPS Road Code, Torch Club and Volleyball. Thank you for being such a great leader.

Spring is in the Air

Members at the club enjoyed the spring air by spending time outside this week.  members had the chance to play soccer, four square and jump rope on the open field while others created artwork with sidewalk chalk.

While members were enjoying the nice weather outside, Mr. Hardeman our Branch director, popped some popcorn out on the patio and passed it out to the members.  At dinner time, members enjoyed a hot dog, chips and strawberry shortcake.

Overall, it was a great day and great start to spring!

Read Theory Celebration

Our K-6th grade members have been participating in one of our online reading programs called Read theory.  each week these members must complete three stories and tests to be eligible for the incentive party.  We were pleased to be able to take two van loads of members to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone yesterday!  Keep up the great work!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Registering Youth for Summer Employment

In the month of March, we have been busy making sure that all of our members aged 14-18 have current resumes and have applied for summer youth employment through the Right Track Program. This is a program offered through the city of Saint Paul and they are looking at employing 500 youth throughout the city.

If you have any youth that may be interested in this opportunity, please send them down to the club. Registration ends March 14th!  For more information, click on the following link: Right Track.

Fox Sports North Member of the Month

Our Fox Sports North Member of the Month is Gavriella Neal.  She is an active participant in all of our athletic programs offered at the club and is currently part of our in house volleyball league.  Gavi always has a positive attitude and is willing to help out in any way that she can.  Keep up the great work, Gavi!

Torch Club Gives Back to Club

Our Torch Club, which is our leadership group for members aged 9-13, ran a Candy Gram fundraiser over Valentine's Day and raised some money.  The Torch Club members decided to use the money they raised to make cake for all members of the club.  Above is a photo of the Torch Club baking their homemade cakes.  Great job!

Members Learn About George Washington Carver and Make Peanut Butter

The STARS Coordinator, Teria Masterjohn, and the Education Director, Sam Hausker, created and facilitated a great interactive lesson during Black History Month about George Washington Carver.  Once members learned facts about Carver's life including the fact that he invented peanut butter, members had the opportunity to make their own peanut butter from scratch!  Here are some photos of them doing this STEM activity!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

CAMP Camera

This semester the female members at the Al Lenzmeier West Side Boys and Girls Club have started the second semester of CAMP Camera.  The members meet at Macalester College once a week to discuss photography techniques and take photos.  Members have been learning how to take portraits as well as landscapes.  They have also been learning the following techniques: small depth of field, large depth of field, converging lines, rule of thirds. and how to break the rule of thirds.  After each photo session, the members get the chance to share the photos they have taken and get feedback from the group.  Thank you to the Macalester volunteers for making this such a huge success.

The Impact of Volunteerism

We have been so fortunate to have such dedicated volunteers who come to our club consistently each week.  These volunteers are priceless to our organization and it is because of their donation of time that we are able to do many of the things we do.  I would like to extend my gratitude to Augustana Church who have been volunteering with us for the past two years and for taking time to create the video below.  If you ever wondered if you should volunteer or if it would make a difference, please take the time to watch this short video: The Impact of Volunteering.