
Sunday, July 27, 2014

July Members of the Month

Lucille Brooks is one of our STARS members.  She always has a positive attitude and is willing to help others.  She loves to participate in the art room as well as our literacy stations. Keep up the good work, Lucille!

Gabe has been chosen as our Cadet Members of the Month.  Gabe always has a positive attitude and participates in various programs available at the club.  Gabe is an excellent role model. Keep up the good work, Gabe!

Lailah Storay is one of our Cadet Members of the Month.   Lailah always has a positive attitude and is willing to help out others.  She likes to create art in the art room and participate in our literacy stations.  Keep up the good work, Lailah!

Diego Sikaffy has been chosen as one of our STARS members of the Month.  Diego always has a positive attitude and is respectful to members and staff.  He participates in our literacy stations and is willing to help in any way he can.  Keep up the good work, Diego!

Lupe Toralin has been chosen as our Teen Member of the Month.  Lupe participates in many of our programs here at the club.  He is currently employed through Youth Farm where he works with younger kids gardening as well as cooking.  He also has been active participant in our Career Launch Program where he has learned the importance of a good cover letter and resume. Lupe is respectful to all staff and members and always willing to help in any way he can.  Thank you for being a good role model, Lupe.

Alejandra Hernandez has been chosen as our Teen Member of the Month.  Alejandra is always respectful to members and staff and has been doing a great job volunteering in the STARS room.  Keep up the great work, Alejandra!

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