
Friday, July 25, 2014

July Volunteers of the Month

Nolan Santosa has been chosen as our Volunteer of the Month.  We have had the privilege to partner with the MN Literacy Council, and Nolan has been our Summer VISTA volunteer to help with our literacy program.  Nolan is hard working and dedicated to our mission in making sure that all members are engaged in learning this summer.  Thank you for your service, Nolan!

Brianna Schmidt has been chosen as our Volunteer of the Month.  We have had the privilege to partner with the MN Literacy Council, and Brianna has been chosen as our Summer VISTA volunteer to help us with our literacy program.  Brianna is hard working, passionate, and dedicated to our mission in making sure that all members are engaged in summer literacy.  Thank you, Brianna!

Samantha Hausken has been chosen as our Volunteer of the Month.  Samantha has been volunteering at the West Side and comes every day.  She is a student at the University of Minnesota and is seeking a degree in Family Social Science.  She helps mentor our youth and takes initiative in creating meaningful and engaging art activities in the art room.  Thank you, Samantha!

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