
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New Summer Program

In the hopes to have members that are highly engaged and involved in activities at the club, I created a new summer schedule that allows both staff and members to best utilize their time in meaningful ways.  In the morning, members enjoyed a nutritious breakfast followed by Early Bird Games in the gym and games area with Rudy Lugo and our Junior Staff Xavier Latimer-Storay.

At ten o'clock, members are seperated into their learning groups.  Our STARS program is for K-3 members, the Education Center is for grades 4-8, and then the Teen Center is for teens.  Each group has time in the art center creating age appropriate art as well as highly engaging literacy activities that work on keeping their academic mind challenged.

Today in the Art Center, our staff member Laura Reyes, along with our St. Olaf Intern Megan and Sam created beautiful collages with the members where they looked for photos that showcased their goals in life. Once every member finished their collages, they had a chance to present their collages to the group.

In the gym, Rudy Lugo did an excellent job of engaging members in physical fitness activities such as soccer, volleyball and basketball.  He also has incorporated a Girls Gym session which has been a great addition to our existing program.

In the Games Center, members were able to participate in tournaments centered around foosball, bumper pool, Wii, and Xbox as well as a highly engaging game created by Matt Haritty for his Game of The Week.

In the STARS room, our new STARS Coordinator, Tiera Masterjohn had literacy stations in place where members played educational computer games, played educational board games, created art and participated in reading buddies.  In addition to this, she is running our Tumblebooks program so that all members will meet the goal of reading by the age of third grade.  STARS also had outdoor recess where they played a game of kickball as well as a hula hoop contest.

In the Education Center Hayden Hammel has done a great job of engaging our middle members in education by making this experience engaging and fun.  He played several high yield games as well as math puzzles, coloring and building projects.  He also spent time running our Netsmartz program with members as well.

Below are some great photos from the day!

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